Medical Supply---Sterile Surgical Suture (PGA//Silk/Nylon/Catgut)
Benefits: High tensile stength. Excellent handling. Low tissue reaction. Predictable absorption rate. Firm and safe Knotting. Gage within the U. S. P. Safe closure of the tissue up to their complete cicatrization. It does not have collagen proteins, antigens or pyrogenous agents, its absorption is through hydrolysis, thus providing a low tissue reaction.
RECOMMENDATIONS As most of the threaded suture materials, it is recommended to make a square knot with 2 or 3 additional bownots and to leave the ends of the knot of 2 or 3 mm long according to the surgical circumstances and to the experience Surgeon.
INDICATIONS It is indicated in all surgical procedures, provided that the absorbable sutures are recommended. These include: General Surgery, Gastroenterology, Gynecology and Obstetrics, Ophthalmic Surgery, Urology, Plastic Surgery, Orthopedics, etc. Caution must be taken when used in elderly, malnourished or deficient inmunology system patients, in wich the critical cicatrization period of the wound may be delayed.
CONTRAINDICATIONS Since it is an absorbable suture, it should not be used when the tissue extended support is needed for an indefinite Period of time. Note: Knowing these factors and the characteristics, benefits and limitations of the Atramat Polyglycolic Acid (similar to other Polyglycolics Acids), the user can utilize it according to the surgical circumstances and his/her own experience.